CAOAC Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Date: Monday, Sept 30, 2024
Meeting Time: 8h00pm (EDT); Zoom
Special Notes: Quorum Achieved. Clubs were sent proxies to appoint representatives in advance of this AGM along with the AGM Agenda with linked Minutes
Topics: Acknowledgement of Albert van Montfort Retirement as Treasurer and Introduction to New Treasurer; Band Selling Forum Proposal; Possible CAOAC Dinner Speaker/Auction; Bylaws Template for Clubs; Annual Financial Report and Reviewer’s Declaration; Ratification Resolution; Election of the 2024-2025 Executive; Request for CAOAC Club Representatives; Request for Club Fish Rescue Representatives; Request for Bylaw Proposals; Update on the Convention in Montreal 2025; Pet Expo 2024 & 2025; Other Business; Adjournment
Item 1: Retirement of Treasurer Albert van Montfort and Welcome to New Treasurer
CAOAC extends its sincere gratitude to Albert van Montfort for his many years of dedicated service as CAOAC Treasurer, as well as for his volunteer contributions in various roles at the club level. CAOAC plans to formally recognise his contribution at a major CAOAC Event.
CAOAC also wishes to introduce Jason Reding as the interim Treasurer, who assumed the position on August 24/25. Jason is a member of the Aquarium Society of Windsor, has been a CPA for 10 years and has experience in budgeting, drafting financial statements, reconciling accounts in addition to experience as an auditor and controls implementation/maintenance. Based on Jason Reding’s work experience as an accountant ( as well as passion for fish and commitment to fish preservation (, the Executive firmly believes he will be an asset to the Executive and voted unanimously in support of his appointment as the new Interim CAOAC Treasurer, effective August 24, 2024. Jason will be running for election as Treasurer at this AGM with the other CAOAC Executives for the term 2024-2025.
Item 2: Band Selling Proposal
Frank Aguirre addressed the proposal that was submitted in July by a member to establish a CAOAC Band forum for the sale of fish. After careful consideration, CAOAC has decided not to proceed with the proposal. The corporation has determined that it is not advisable to affiliate itself with numerous financial transactions, and the level of manpower required to effectively manage such a forum is considered prohibitive at this time. Furthermore, there are concerns that the proposed forum could create competition with existing Band forums at the club level, such as those in Hamilton and Kitchener.
Item 3: Possible CAOAC Dinner Speaker/Auction Late Fall/Early Winter
CAOAC is considering holding a dinner with a speaker in either Niagara Falls or Downtown Toronto with a speaker in either November or December. A small auction is also under consideration. President, Jim Chalmers, representing the St. Catharines Area and Aquarium Society has offered assistance with this event in terms of volunteers if the event is in Niagara. Ideas for speakers are welcome.
Item 4: Bylaws Template Created
CAOAC has become aware that some clubs either lack bylaws or have not updated their existing bylaws in many years. To address this, the Executive has developed a template to assist clubs in incorporating essential elements into their bylaws when drafting or revising them. It is important that all clubs maintain current and comprehensive bylaws, ensuring that all members are familiar with and have access to them. Please refer to the template at “Form/Run a New Club” and see the subsection “Bylaws Template”.
Item 5: Annual Financial Report and Reviewer’s Declaration
As an important preliminary note to this Year End Financial Report, CAOAC wishes to highlight that Jason Reding, who has served as interim Treasurer only since August 24/25, will be presenting at this AGM, the financial data prepared by the former Treasurer, Albert van Montfort. The numbers were all documented over the past year by Albert van Montfort. Jason Reding has also been assigned the role of reviewer for this financial year-end report. In accordance with the CAOAC Bylaws, the Treasurer’s financial records must be reviewed by an independent and qualified individual. Under no circumstances has Jason Reding reviewed any of his own work.
Jason presented a Statement of Cash Flow for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, as well as a partial cash flow statement for the period ending July 31, 2024. Given the limited financial activity between July 31, 2024, and this Annual General Meeting, due to the commencement of the new season, these statements effectively summarize the financial activity to date. These two statements are included as Exhibits to these AGM minutes.
*The Reviewer’s declaration confirming the accuracy and completeness of this financial data may also be found in the Exhibits.
In summary, the cash balance as of April 1, 2023, was $6,872.73, and the cash balance as of March 31, 2024, was $5,736.18. The cash flow statements are categorized into three sections: Operating Activities, Convention Activities, and Other Activities. Additionally, certain reimbursements are due to CAOAC officers who have personally covered CAOAC-related expenses. These reimbursements will be documented and processed once paid.
It is important to note that CAOAC is implementing procedural changes related to finances and policy. A plan has been developed to transition to primarily online banking going forward. Additionally, the Treasurer intends to create year-over-year financial comparison charts to identify potential cost-saving opportunities and to formalize in writing the procedures for expense approval.
The meeting was reminded that all CAOAC financial records, including receipts and cheques, are always available for inspection by members.
Item 6: Ratification Resolution
“Be it resolved that CAOAC held its Annual General Meeting on September 30, 2024, properly organized according to the Corporation’s rules with a quorum of members attending the meeting, either in person or by proxy. The members agree that they have had ample opportunity to review and question the actions taken over the last year by the officers and chairs. Therefore, it is resolved that the actions of the officers and directors during the previous year, as detailed in the meeting minutes and reports presented in advance and during this meeting, are officially approved and confirmed. Please vote yes, no or abstain. Only individuals with voting rights may vote.”
The ratification resolution passed successfully at the annual general meeting.
Item 7: Election of the 2024-2025 CAOAC Executive
The positions of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Webmaster were open for election. In advance of the meeting, all clubs were provided with details regarding the duties associated with these roles, and nominations were requested from all clubs. The meeting was subsequently opened for the submission of any further nominations for these positions. All incumbents stood for re-election and were duly acclaimed.
Item 8: Request for CAOAC Club Representatives and Updates to Club Contact Emails
AC representatives in each club serve as a vital communication link between your members, the Executive, the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs, and other member aquarium societies. If your club has not yet appointed a CAOAC representative, we encourage you to solicit a volunteer from your membership. Larger clubs would benefit from appointing more than one CAOAC representative, as clubs with larger memberships are entitled to more votes in CAOAC general elections. However, no one individual may cast more than one vote.
Ideally, the CAOAC representative should not hold another significant position, such as club president, as this may place an undue burden on the individual. Additionally, this will reduce the likelihood of the club being unrepresented at CAOAC meetings if the president is unavailable due to illness, vacation, or business commitments.
CAOAC kindly requests that clubs provide us with the current email addresses for the club and its Executive members in order to ensure the accuracy of our records and to guarantee that all key club officers receive important communications from CAOAC.
Please send the names and email addresses of your appointed CAOAC representatives and any updated Executive email addresses to Cindy Barrett, Corresponding Secretary:
Item 9: Request for Club Fish Rescue Representatives
The CAOAC fish rescue program was created to eliminate the illegal dumping of tropical fish, and amphibians into our Canadian Waterways and watersheds as well as to protect native aquatic fauna. Partners in this program are The Toronto Zoo, Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Canadian Fisheries and Oceans, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, PIJAC (Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, CAOAC (Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs and all affiliated local Aquarium Clubs which belong to CAOAC).
CAOAC is actively involved in the rescue of an average of two to three fish per week throughout the year. We request that each member club appoint a Fish Rescue Agent to support this initiative. The Fish Rescue Agent will maintain a list of local and regional contacts, including pet stores, hobbyists, websites, and Facebook/Band groups, where individuals can seek assistance in rehoming fish within their area.
It is important to note that the Fish Rescue Agent does not take physical custody of any fish nor participate in any financial transactions. No fees should be involved. Additionally, fish that are diseased or deformed are not eligible for the rescue program. This CAOAC program is managed nationally by Ann Marie Towell, 2nd Vice President of CAOAC. The role of local club contacts is vital to its success and cannot be overstated.
Please send the names and email addresses of your appointed fish rescue agents to Ann Marie Towell, 2nd vice-president:
Item 10: Request for Bylaw Proposals
Dave Holland, Recording Secretary, formally inquired whether any members wished to propose amendments to the CAOAC Bylaws, in accordance with the protocol for the Annual General Meeting. All attendees had been notified several months in advance that bylaw amendments could be presented at this AGM. No bylaw amendments were proposed or discussed.
Item 11: Update on the Convention in Montreal 2025
The CAOAC Recording Secretary, reached out to the Société d’Aquariophilie de Montréal (S.A.M.) prior to this Annual General Meeting to request a comprehensive status update regarding their plans to host the 2025 Convention in Montreal. In response, Dennis Bolanos, the Treasurer of S.A.M., offered assurances that a formal update would be provided directly from the Executive in the near future. The Société d’Aquariophilie de Montréal has expressed a sustained and enthusiastic interest in hosting the CAOAC/RSAC Convention for the year 2025, a prospect they have been actively pursuing for over a year. No representatives from S.A.M. were present at the AGM to update. As such, further information on the status of the proposed Convention will be forthcoming once the S.A.M. Executive has provided their update.
Item 12: Pet Expo 2024 and 2025
*CAOAC informed all clubs that if they have individual promotional materials that they would like distributed and on display at the CAOAC booth during Pet Expo in 2025 (Sept 12-14), please make a reminder to ensure these items are forwarded to CAOAC in advance of the September Pet Expo in Mississauga. This is an annual initiative to promote all CAOAC clubs. CAOAC would also like volunteers from clubs to help run the booth and/or set up a display tank.
CAOAC also wishes to take this opportunity to again thank Grant Crossman of Pet Expo for his generosity in allowing CAOAC to promote all clubs at an exhibit desk during Pet Expo and his kind offer to assist any clubs needing assistance with meeting space/sponsorship.
Barrie Regional Aquarium Society of Simcoe (BRASS)
Brittany Watts, of BRASS, has reported that both the President and Treasurer unexpectedly resigned, leaving her and Treasurer Dianne Elliott to manage the organization’s affairs. The team has encountered challenges in accessing important club property, including documents, financial records, bylaws, and banking access. The remaining executive members have requested assistance from CAOAC to help maintain the club's operations.
*In response, CAOAC has committed to providing support and guidance to ensure the club continues to function effectively through this difficult time.
Ottawa Valley Aquarium Society (OVAS)
Eleonor Schmidt, President of OVAS, inquired about how frequently the CAOAC speaker list was updated and what the criteria for speakers is for inclusion on the website.
*In response, the CAOAC Executive acknowledged the need for an update to the CAOAC website speaker list and established objectives to revise it, set clear criteria as well as to actively seek out new speakers from across the country. This new criteria and requests for new CAOAC speakers will be sent to the clubs and published on the website when prepared.
OVAS also reports their club has rebounded successfully post pandemic with a 10 person Executive and a member who is a professional graphics designer assisting with promotionals for the club. The club is now organising excursions, and workshops outside of regular meetings with a focus on attracting more youth.
Calgary Aquarium Society (CAS)
Curtis Jerrom, President of CAS, reports that the club is experiencing a strong recovery following the pandemic. In 2023, the club had only 12 members, but it now boasts nearly 100 members this year. In October, Hans Evers will be visiting Calgary to present on the Sulawesi region and its native aquatic species. CAS is considering hosting the Canadian Goodeid Weekend next year in April. This is not confirmed at this time.
The Calgary Aquarium Society is also making strides in modernizing its resources, with plans to digitize its library and transition from a physical collection to an online platform. Additionally, the club has successfully revived its AHAP (Aquatic Horticultural Award Program) and BAP (Breeder Award Program) initiatives.
Curtis Jerrom and Ann Marie Towell have reported that auction revenues have nearly doubled since the introduction of point-of-sale terminals (including debit card payments) at auctions. They have observed that auction prices tend to stay higher now towards the end of the event, likely due to attendees having increased purchasing power as a result of card payment options instead of having to rely on a fixed amount of cash they brought with them. The CAS club allows known members to run a tab if they provide a driver’s license, with payment due at the end via payment card. However, other public attendees are required to pay for each transaction individually. Calgary has found that two point-of-sale machines are necessary to manage the flow of payments efficiently.
Ann Marie Towell, CAS, further observes that, due to the infrequency of aquarium society auctions in Calgary and the surrounding areas, overall revenues tend to be higher than those may be back East. The club has also experienced success with its scheduling strategy, which involves hosting the special guest speaker’s presentation on Friday evening, followed by the auction on Saturday. To ensure sustained attendance and engagement throughout the auction, the speaker delivers a second presentation after the auction, effectively maintaining participant interest.
TransCanada Guppy Group (TCGG)
Nancy Egelton, President of TCGG and Past President of CAOAC, reports on her experience with the Square reader used at the most recent Guppy auction. She explains that the Square reader is available at no cost if accessed via a mobile phone. Alternatively, there is the option to purchase a Square reader device for $69, though this device is not a requirement. Funds from transactions are directly deposited into the club’s bank account, and a transaction report will be generated approximately one and a half days later for your reference. Additionally, payments can be completed via mobile phone tap. While Nancy acknowledges that PayPal is also a viable payment method, she notes that PayPal incurs a merchant fee, which is a percentage of the transaction amount. In conclusion, Nancy Egelton emphasizes that non-cash payment options have significantly contributed to the success of the auction revenues.
For more information about Square Readers please see:
Attendees: Frank Aguirre (President Caoac, PRAC); Ernest Biktimirov (First Vice President Caoac, SCAAS); ; Dave Holland (Recording Secretary, Caoac; PRAC); Michael Beat (Webmaster, Caoac; PRAC); Cindy Barrett (Corresponding Secretary, Caoac; SCAAS); Ann Marie Towell (2nd vice-president, Caoac; CAS); Jason Reding (Treasurer, Windsor Aquarium Society); Albert van Montfort (former Treasurer); Curtis Jerrom (President, CAS); Mike Majer (CAOAC Rep, HDAS); Carla MacDonald (Pres., HDAS); Eleonor Schmidt (Pres., OVAS); Derek Hebbes (CAOAC Rep., DRAS); Myron Iwanochko (Exec., DRAS); Nancy Egelton (CAOAC Past Pres); Phil Barrett (CAOAC Rep., SCAAS); Glen Roberts (Pres. KWAS); Zenin Skomorowski (Vp KWAS); Ryan Schmidt (Pres., Saskatoon Aquarium Society); Sherry Archer (Treasurer, LAS); Jim Chalmers (Pres. SCAAS); Brittany Watts (Pres. BRASS); Dianne Elliott (Vp BRASS); Grant Crossman (Special Guest).
Frank Aguirre adjourned the Executive meeting at 10h10pm.