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CAOAC Meeting Minutes - Sep 16, 2024

Executive CAOAC Meeting

Date: Monday, Sept 16, 2024

Meeting Time: 8h00pm (EDT); Zoom

Topics: Welcome; Creating an Agenda for the Annual General Meeting & Financial Update; Proposal to Change the Group Structure of CAOAC; Discussion and Conclusions about the CAOAC Selling Forum Proposal; Discussion and Proposals to Deal with Problem Members; Communication and CAOAC Website; Pet Expo Post Analysis; Adjournment.

Item 1: Creating an Agenda and Planning the Annual General Meeting  

The upcoming Annual General Meeting for CAOAC was set and already announced via email and on as Sept 30, 8pm EDT via Zoom. 

The Executive organised an agenda for the meeting including the Annual Financial Report, Ratification Resolution, and Officers Election. All incumbents are sitting for re-election. An email was already sent out to all member clubs calling for any nominations to the positions of President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Webmaster.  Candidates have been asked to submit their nominations to Ernest Biktimirov prior to the AGM.

The late AGM will be formally acknowledged in the Minutes and at the AGM.  The Financial Update will cover the last fiscal year for CAOAC ending March 30 and will include a fractional report up to this AGM.

Note: The Treasurer Albert van Montfort stepped down in August and was replaced by Jason Reding (WAS).   Jason will be presenting the Annual Financial Report but also acting as the Reviewer (Auditor) of Albert’s work, as a review is required by our BYLAWS.

CAOAC will allow time to hear any proposals to its Bylaws at this Annual General Meeting.

Clubs may appoint a representative to vote at the Annual General Meeting Via Proxy if the President or CAOAC representatives are unable to attend for some reason. Recall: Clubs voting privileges depend on the size of their membership. The proxy form is being sent out by email.

Item 2: Proposal to Change the Group Structure of CAOAC

CAOAC has initiated a process to review its options in terms of group structure to see if the current organisational structure as a non-profit entity describes and suits the needs of CAOAC accurately and effectively.  Jason Reding, Treasurer, will be leading this inquiry.

Item 3: CAOAC Selling Forum Proposal

After careful consideration and talks over the summer, it has been decided not to initiate a nationwide selling forum under the auspices of CAOAC at this time. The organisation believes that clubs should consider the Band option independently, at the individual club level, rather than a federal, collective effort. Hamilton District Aquarium Society has been operating a club-based forum since 2020 and may provide feedback to any interested clubs.

Item 4: Proposal to Deal with Problematic Club Members

CAOAC has been involved in advising on problem club members on multiple occasions throughout its recent mandate with varying levels of seriousness. 

CAOAC would like to emphasise that having comprehensive Bylaws is crucial for outlining the club’s objectives, officer responsibilities, eligibility to hold office, Executive/Annual General Meeting protocols/frequency, disclosure/reporting requirements, and procedures for addressing problematic issues with members or executives.

To assist clubs in drafting or updating their Bylaws, a template has been made available on the CAOAC website ( We strongly encourage clubs to develop these detailed Bylaws, incorporating their club name and the signatures of their elected officers, to ensure a structured process is in place before any member challenges arise. This proactive approach will facilitate a timely and effective resolution of any issues that may occur at the club level. No club should be without Bylaws or with outdated/incomplete Bylaws which do not address these important topics irrespective of whether issues have arisen in the past before or not.

Item 5: Communication & CAOAC Website Access

CAOAC events and meetings are regularly posted on both the CAOAC website and Facebook page. General Meetings are advertised through social media platforms, and clubs are notified via email.

We would like to reiterate that all club members are encouraged to attend General CAOAC Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting. Participants may obtain a Zoom link for these meetings from their club Executives, club CAOAC representatives, or the CAOAC Webmaster at

The position of CAOAC Representative at the club level is crucial, serving as an essential liaison between CAOAC and its members.

In response to inquiries regarding the website password requirement, we wish to clarify that while certain sections of the CAOAC website do require a password you create, not all areas do. This requirement is implemented to safeguard sensitive information, such as the contact details of esteemed CAOAC participants, from potential threats posed by social media bots with dishonest or malicious intentions. The process for obtaining a password is designed to be quite user-friendly.

Item  6: Post Analysis of CAOAC Exhibit at PetExpo

CAOAC was once again present at PetExpo in Mississauga, where we showcased member aquarium clubs and introduced the concept of aquarium clubs to attendees. After many years of a CAOAC exhibit at PetExpo, this annual event continues to serve as a valuable opportunity to engage with fishkeepers and animal enthusiasts who may not yet be familiar with aquarium clubs.

This year, there was notable interest in membership from several clubs, including the Peel Region Aquarium Club, Hamilton District Aquarium Society, St. Catharines Aquarium Club, Betta Breeders Canada, Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium Society, Durham Regional Aquarium Society, London Aquaria Society, and Ottawa Valley Aquarium Society. Individuals from more remote areas, such as Wiarton, Trenton and Muskoka, expressed interest in joining as Zoom members. Peel Regional Aquarium Club has created Zoom memberships to accommodate this category of individuals. CAOAC also responded to interested attendees in the potential Aquatic Convention in Montreal in 2025 and was even approached to assist in the formation of a new club in Kingston, Ontario, which is currently meeting informally. 

Looking ahead to PetExpo 2025, CAOAC aims to enhance our exhibit by setting up a display tank with an improved banner. We encourage clubs now to volunteer for the management of the exhibit table and to plan to forward any literature or promotional materials for distribution at next year’s PetExpo. Some clubs effectively utilised QR codes in their promotional materials, which proved advantageous for visitors; this is a strategy that CAOAC is considering implementing as well.

*We also note for the record that there are CAOAC records/promotional items in transit to Jason Redding from Albert van Montfort in the custody of Carla MacDonald (HDAS)

Attendees: Frank Aguirre (President Caoac, PRAC); Ernest Biktimirov (First Vice President Caoac, SCAAS); ; Dave Holland (Recording Secretary, Caoac; PRAC);  Michael Beat (Webmaster, Caoac; PRAC); Ann Marie Towell (2nd vice-president, Caoac; CAS); Jason Reding (Treasurer, Windsor Aquarium Society)

Apologies: Cindy Barrett (Corresponding Secretary, Caoac; SCAAS)


Frank Aguirre adjourned the Executive meeting at 9h30pm.


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