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CAOAC Meeting Minutes - Sep 08, 2024

Executive CAOAC Meeting

Date: Monday, Sept 8, 2024

Meeting Time: 8h00pm (EDT); Zoom

Topics: Welcome to Jason Reding, New Interim Treasurer; Bank Signatories; Dinner Event for November; Upcoming Pet Expo Event; Update on Convention in Montreal in 2025; CAOAC Website and  Access; Bylaws Template for Website; Scheduled AGM Planning Meeting; Adjournment.

Item 1: Executive Welcome Jason Reding as Interim TREASURER  

Albert van Montfort announced his retirement from the role of CAOAC Treasurer in July 2024 and CAOAC began a nationwide search of all member clubs to find the best suitable candidate to take the reigns as Interim Treasurer.  The post was advertised on our website, social media, announced at the General Meeting in July and emails were sent to all Clubs.  Jason Reding of the Windsor Aquarium Society was the successful candidate appointed and voted in by the CAOAC Executive.  This Executive was permitted to vote for a new candidate versus a vote by all CAOAC members because the vacancy occurred so close to the Sept 30 AGM as per CAOAC Bylaws.

Jason Reding has been a CPA for 10 years and has experience in budgeting, drafting financial statements, reconciling accounts in addition to experience as an auditor and controls implementation/maintenance. Based on Jason Reding’s work experience as an accountant ( as well as passion for fish and commitment to fish preservation (, the Executive firmly believes he will be an asset to the Executive and voted unanimously in support of his appointment as the new Interim CAOAC Treasurer, effective August 24, 2024.

Albert van Montfort is arranging for the transfer of a banker box with financial data to be transferred to Jason Reding and a second banker box with CAOAC promotional items to be transferred to Frank Aguirre via the Hamilton District Aquarium Society president.

Item 2: Bank Signatories to CAOAC Bank Account

The signatories on the CAOAC bank account need to be updated to accurately reflect the current signing officers. Dave Holland has forwarded the bank's outlined procedure to Interim Treasurer, Jason Reding. It is not necessary for everyone to meet at the bank; instead, a conference call can be arranged, provided all participants have identification. One individual known to the bank will need to facilitate the update, which can be either Albert van Montfort or former CAOAC President, Nancy Egelton. Nancy has agreed to take on this role. The new signatories will include the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. CAOAC is also planning to move to strictly online banking in the future.

Item 3: Potential CAOAC Dinner Event for November

After careful consideration and talks over the summer, it was decided to potentially sponsor a dinner speaker in Niagara Falls in late November with the possibility of an special auction (not a regular CAOAC auction). President, Jim Chalmers, representing the St. Catharines Area and Aquarium Society has offered assistance with this event in terms of volunteers in advance. Potential dinner speakers and venues are under discussion and talks are ongoing with these individuals.  Financing for the event is a concern and sponsors are required.  CAOAC  will attempt to reach out to sponsors at the PetExpo Aquatic Event approaching and meet again in an Executive meeting to follow up.

Item 4: Update on the Convention in Montreal 2025

Dave Holland, Recording Secretary reached out to the Société d’Aquariophilie de Montréal (S.A.M.) for a status update on plans to hold the Convention in Montreal in 2025.  The S.A.M. treasurer, Dennis Bolanos, has promised he will provide an update directly from the Executive shortly.  The Montreal club has expressed an avid interest in holding a 2025 Convention.

Item 5: CAOAC Website and Access

The Executives have decided to remove password protection from many aspects of the website with some exceptions such as, but not limited to, Judges and Speakers. Password protection was initially put in place when the new website was launched in 2019.

Item 6: Bylaws Template for Website

The First Vice-President, Ernest Biktimirov, has created a draft version of a Bylaws Template for clubs to follow. The Executive has reviewed this template, offering refinements and suggestions before it is made available online.

Currently, not all clubs have Bylaws, and many existing Bylaws are outdated. Most clubs also lack provisions to address problematic members. CAOAC aims to equip clubs with the necessary tools to manage these issues promptly and effectively at the club level.

This template is expected to be revised further by the Executive as needed, and clubs are encouraged to customise it to fit the specific needs of their memberships.

Item  7: Meeting to Plan the Agenda for the AGM

The Executives have scheduled a follow-up meeting to prepare the agenda for the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Please remember that the AGM will take place on September 30, 2024, at 8 PM EDT via Zoom.

The Executive planning meeting for the AGM will be held on September 16 at 8 PM EDT on Zoom.

Additionally, Dave Holland and Cindy Barrett have agreed to meet in person to update the entire CAOAC email list, including all clubs and contacts, in advance of the AGM and related communications.  This is a follow to the request Cindy Barrett made at the July General Meeting for all clubs to forward their updated contacts and email addresses to CAOAC.

Attendees: Frank Aguirre (President Caoac, PRAC); Ernest Biktimirov (First Vice President Caoac, SCAAS); ; Dave Holland (Recording Secretary, Caoac; PRAC);  Michael Beat (Webmaster, Caoac; PRAC); Cindy Barrett (Corresponding Secretary, Caoac; SCAAS);  Ann Marie Towell (2nd vice-president, Caoac; CAS); Jason Reding (Treasurer, Windsor Aquarium Society); Albert van Montfort (former Treasurer; DRAS); Quorum Achieved


Frank Aguirre adjourned the Executive meeting at 9:45pm


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