Topics: Previous Minutes Accepted; Club Business; New CAOAC Webmaster; CAOAC Convention Developments; New Logo; Announcement of Next General Meeting Item 1: Club Business
Mike Majer requested a correction to the website time of the HDAS Auction
Ann Marie Towell (C.A.S) announced the Edmonton auction March 26th, and the Calgary auction April 16th.
Annie Girard announced the Montréal auction April 30th (SAM)
Dave Holland, Recording Secretary, requested all clubs to submit the total number of paid members for each club
Update from Treasurer, Albert van Montfort that the Regina Club and the GTA Club are fully paid up members of CAOAC
Albert van Montfort has also requested the names of contact individuals at DRAS and SCAAS responsible for Fish Rescue
Dave Holland reports from former president, Tristen Webb, that the Thunder Bay Aquarium Society has not resumed meetings for 2023, but continues to maintain an online presence.
Item 2: New CAOAC Webmaster Executive
The CAOAC Webmaster is a newly created Executive position (2020) and had become vacant mid-term. The CAOAC Constitution provides for the Executive to appoint a suitable replacement versus holding a by-election if the vacancy occurs within 6 months of the CAOAC AGM. At this time, the AGM is less than 6 months away set for Sept 17/23.
President, Nancy Egelton announced Michael Beat, as CAOAC Webmaster, newly appointed by the Executive on this date. We welcome him to the team.
In referencing the CAOAC Annual General Meeting Sept 17, 2023, this will also serve as official notice of that meeting and that elections will occur. Constitutional reform is possible at that time.
Item 3: CAOAC CONVENTION Convention Committee Developments:
CAOAC Executive accepted the offer of Carla MacDonald to head up the Convention Committee as General Manager. Carla brings experience organizing a past CAOAC Convention with her skill set and she will work with Chairperson, Ken Boorman, as well as other volunteers. More volunteers are needed still for this Committee.
CAOAC Show Committee Developments:
Catherine Salmon has offered to head up the CAOAC Show Committee on the condition she has help in that role. The Executive is interested in hearing from any and all members who would like to participate and has begun reaching out to key individuals. If you are interested, please contact us.
Help will be required for sponsorships, correspondence, organization and more.
Convention Speaker Suggestions Sought:
CAOAC has been asked to provide some suggestions for speakers. The possibility of a saltwater speaker was discussed, and Annie Girard (SAM) proposed a saltwater speaker from Montréal. It was decided CAOAC must figure out how many opportunities there will be to reasonably hold speaker seminars over the two days and what kind of budget is available for these speakers including travel.
Individuals are welcome to make suggestions about specific speakers or topics they would enjoy learning about
Nancy Egelton will be reaching out to the Flowerhorn "people" that were very popular at the last CAOAC Convention about a similar exhibit in September
Item 4: Logo for Promotional Materials
CAOAC has been asked to provide a logo for use in the promotional media related to the Convention/Aquatic Expo. An updated version of the CAOAC logo is under design under the guidance of Nancy Egelton and the creative assistance of Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall (HDAS). The new distinctive, simpler logo will be unveiled at the April meeting. To reflect the national identity of CAOAC, the logo is now bilingual with the adoption of the French translation of "CAOAC" proposed first in 2019 by Dave Holland (BSL Laurentian Univ; School of Translators & Interpreters). Translation of Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs - CAOAC: "Le Réseau des sociétés d'aquariophilie du Canada - RSAC"
A subsequent General CAOAC meeting has been set for Monday, April 17, 2023 at 7:30 PM to further Convention planning. All Executive will be reminded and invited again via email with the Zoom link. Adjournment: Nancy Egelton concluded the meeting at approximately 9:03 PM
Attendees: Nancy Egelton (President); Peter DeSouza (First Vice President); Cindy Golden (Corresponding Secretary); Dave Holland (Recording Secretary); Ann Marie Towell (2nd Vice President); Albert van Montfort (Treasurer); Phil Barratt (SCAAS CAOAC rep); Carla MacDonald (HDAS CAOAC Rep); Derek Hebbes (DRAS CAOAC Rep); Annie Girard (Société d'aquariophilie de Montréal); Lise Durocher (Société d'aquariophilie de Montréal); Mike Majer (HDAS); Michael Beat (PRAC); Catherine Salmon (BBC CAOAC Rep) [Apologies: Ken Boorman (CAOAC Convention Show Chairperson); Lisa Boorman (CAOAC Facebook Page Admin); unrepresented clubs]
