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CAOAC Meeting Minutes - Jul 08, 2024

General CAOAC Meeting

Date: Monday, July 8, 2024

Meeting Time: 8h00pm (EDT); Zoom

Topics: Welcome; Introduction of CAOAC Executive; Financial Update; 2024 CAOAC Convention Update; How to Deal with Problematic Club Members; Individual Club Bylaws; Call for an Interim-Treasurer; Date of CAOAC Annual General Meeting; Call for New CAOAC Club Representatives, Fish Rescue Liaison Agents,Executive Contact Updates, New Club Email Addresses; CAOAC’S Responsibility for Special Club Announcements; Other Business; Adjournment

Item 1: Welcome & Introduction of Sitting CAOAC Executive

The current Executive briefly introduced themselves for all returning and new members attending the General Meeting.

Item 2: Financial Update

Albert van Montfort reports the current CAOAC balance to be $6,505.08, but when we factor in that there are some outstanding cheques & liabilities, the actual net balance is $5,313.37.

Item 3: 2024 CAOAC Convention Update

President Frank Aguirre started by reminding us that no club has volunteered to organise a Convention for 2024. Numerous clubs are currently encountering challenges in their post-pandemic recovery, both financially and due to declining membership.

In 2023, CAOAC participated with a “quasi-Convention” under the umbrella of PetExpo in Mississauga; however, this arrangement proved to be limiting, as we were unable to conduct auctions, raffles, or host a dinner on-site, thereby rendering it rather unsuitable for a full convention in the future. While CAOAC has been evaluating the feasibility of hosting a convention in the absence of a club sponsor for 2024, we currently lack the resources to independently finance a comprehensive event. Consequently, at this meeting, we are soliciting alternative ideas from all clubs and would appreciate feedback regarding the possibility of organising an event this year, even if it is not on the scale of a full convention. We also welcome any contributions from clubs that may be able to provide financial support or volunteer assistance.

Carla MacDonald, President of the Hamilton District Aquarium Society (HDAS) and former Convention Manager, expressed her support for a one-day CAOAC event in 2024, such as a dinner featuring a guest speaker. Zenin Skomorowski, Vice President of the Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society (KWAS), concurred that organising a full weekend convention in 2024 would be impractical due to insufficient lead time; however, he remains optimistic about the potential for a one-day event featuring a speaker, possibly including a small auction.

President Frank Aguirre suggested potential venues for this one-day event in the cities of Toronto or Niagara Falls, highlighting their additional tourist appeal for attendees. Jim Chalmers, President of the St. Catharines and Area Aquarium Club, indicated that certain members of the St. Catharines Club are willing to assist with a CAOAC event of this nature if held in the Niagara Region.

A member from the DRAS club recommended that if a dinner event is under consideration, it would be advantageous to select a speaker with broader appeal to aquarium enthusiasts and their families, rather than one who focuses exclusively on a specific species of fish. Based on his experience, a speaker addressing the topic of fish collecting tends to have wider appeal, and he adds that attendees are generally enthusiastic about the opportunity to purchase some fish.

The Barrie Region Aquarium Society of Simcoe offered to provide financial support for a one-day CAOAC event in November. Paul McIntosh, a member of DRAS, informed CAOAC of a successful one-day event held in Buffalo by the Tropical Fish Club of Erie County, themed “Tropical Fish,” which was very well attended.

Potential scheduling conflicts in November were noted, including the All Aquarium Catfish Convention (CatCon) in Burlington, Vermont, from November 1-3, the St. Catharines and Area Aquarium Society Auction on November 9, and the Ohio Cichlid Convention from November 22-24. CAOAC will strive to schedule around these events.

The concept of a one-day event, such as a dinner with a guest speaker and a small auction, is appealing to the CAOAC Executive.

Item 4: How to Deal with Problematic Club Members

All clubs want to attract more members and all those efforts are excellent, but clubs must also prepare in advance to deal with some problematic members. CAOAC has been consulted on how to deal with these serious issues over time and very much so over this year which has brought this topic to light.  

CAOAC has discussed alternative approaches and evaluated existing tools to resolve these issues and feels the first and strongest line of defence in dealing with problematic members must be the procedures outlined in each individual club Bylaws.

It has also come to the attention of the Executive that some clubs do not have Bylaws at all, have not updated Bylaws recently, have not included provisions on how to proceed with problem members/executives or have not distributed the Bylaws to general members regularly to increase awareness of them. CAOAC would like to offer some guidance on provisions to incorporate into your Bylaws and provisions specifically to deal with problem members. The Société d’Aquariophilie de Montréal has a few clauses in their Bylaws to address problem members and CAOAC is currently drafting a template to give clubs a framework to incorporate similar information into their Bylaws. This is a work in progress for CAOAC at this date. 

Item 5: Individual Club Bylaws: Where to Start? What to Include?

CAOAC has opted to take a proactive approach to help clubs manage their membership and maintain a positive environment by encouraging clubs to conduct a complete review of their Bylaws.

A club is guided by its Bylaws and it helps to maintain harmony  and order on a regular basis, but especially in a crisis. This is why detailed, up to date Bylaws are important. No club should wait until they find themselves in an unpleasant situation, which may even put the club in jeopardy, before drafting or updating Bylaws to implement new measures.

Below are some key points that can be included in the Bylaws template to address problematic members and enhance club governance. Caoac would like to know if club executives or members have input for CAOAC to include in the Bylaws template if you see any important elements overlooked.

Key Provisions for Bylaws Template

  1. Code of Conduct:

    • Clearly outline expected behaviour and responsibilities of members.

    • Include guidelines for respectful communication and interactions.

  2. Disciplinary Procedures:

    • Define what constitutes inappropriate behaviour.

    • Establish a process for reporting concerns

    • Detail steps for investigating allegations, including timelines and the right to a fair hearing.

  3. Consequences for Misconduct:

    • Specify potential actions that may be taken against members who violate the Code of Conduct (e.g., warnings, suspension, or expulsion).

    • Include a process for appeals to ensure fairness.

  4. Amendment Procedures:

    • Outline how Bylaws can be amended to adapt to changing needs or to address issues as they arise.

  5. Meeting and Quorum Requirements:

    • Clearly define how all meetings will be conducted Executive, AGM and General, including notice requirements and quorum for decision-making.

  6. Communication of Bylaws:

    • Ensure that Bylaws are easily accessible on the club’s website.

    • Commit to sending updated Bylaws to all members at the beginning of each year and to new joins

Additional Considerations

  • Member Input: Encourage club members and executives to provide feedback on proposed changes to ensure all voices are heard.

  • Regular Review Schedule: Recommend a formal review of Bylaws every two years to keep them relevant and effective.

Collaboration with CAOAC

Clubs are encouraged to reach out for support and share their experiences or suggestions for improvements with the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs (CAOAC).

By establishing clear and comprehensive Bylaws, clubs can create a framework that not only addresses problematic behaviour, but also fosters a supportive and harmonious community for all members consistently.

Item 6: Call for an Interim-Treasurer

In July 2024, Albert van Montfort announced his retirement from the position of Treasurer of CAOAC. In light of this transition, CAOAC has commenced a nationwide search among all member clubs to identify a qualified candidate to assume the role of Interim Treasurer.

The position will be advertised on our official website and social media platforms, and emails have been disseminated to all member clubs soliciting potential candidates. We also take this opportunity to formally announce the availability of the Treasurer’s position this evening at this General Meeting.

Position Requirements/Eligibility

The Treasurer (as per CAOAC BYLAWS):

1) The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the Corporation in proper books of account and shall deposit all monies or other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Corporation in such bank or banks as may be from time to time designated by the Executive. He or she shall disburse the funds of the Corporation under the direction of the Executive, taking proper receipts therefore and shall render a financial report at each General and Annual Meeting or whenever required.

2) He or she shall arrange for an annual audit of the financial records to be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

Key Attributes:

Critical Thinking - You should have the ability to appraise CAOAC's  financial standing, policies, and procedures in order to make recommendations regarding the financial decisions that will be made.

Aptitude for Organization:  A CAOAC treasurer possesses excellent organisational abilities working with accuracy and keeping impeccable records in a timely manner.

Strategic Planning: The ability to synthesise cause and effect scenarios (with regard to potential financial decisions CAOAC will make) is necessary for a treasurer in order to ensure this organisation's growth and future success. Budgeting is an important part of this position.

Creativity: When it comes to generating funds and cutting expenses, new ideas and creativity are key in an ever-changing organisation.

Clear Communication: in one sense of the position, the treasurer acts as a financial ambassador on behalf of the rest of the CAOAC Executive. It is essential that the Treasurer be able to effectively communicate financial concepts to banking and insurance agents as well as in easy to understand terms to all our member clubs.

Basic Accounting Skills: while a professional designation in accounting is not required, a CAOAC treasurer should have basic accounting/bookkeeping skills, an aptitude for numbers and a willingness to learn.

Integrity:  High ethical standards, transparency and accountability in managing funds

Collaboration: Ability to work patiently with the Executive, key CAOAC members (Presidents/representatives), and other individuals as required (auditor)

Time Management: Willingness to dedicate time and effort to fulfill responsibilities, communicate with other professionals and attend CAOAC meetings via Zoom

Technology Skills: Proficiency in accounting software or Excel spreadsheets 

Discretion: Ability to maintain confidentiality when handling sensitive financial information or any sensitive information that may come before the CAOAC Executive.

Bilingualism in French-English will be considered an asset.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

1) Any member in good standing of any CAOAC member club, 19 years of age or older, may nominate oneself or any other similar CAOAC club member. 

2) A nominee must be aware of the nomination and willing to accept the role.

Please note that expertise in fishkeeping is not a requirement for this position.  

Applicants are encouraged to state their experiences and know-how for the role of Treasurer for the benefit of the CAOAC Executive who will be choosing from applicants.

Please submit nominations by email before July 27/24.

Nominations and expressions of interest should be submitted to the Secretary, Dave Holland at

Item  7: Date of CAOAC Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Executives have scheduled the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs to take place on September 30, 2024, at 8PM EDT. This meeting will be conducted online exclusively via Zoom.

During the AGM, an election for all CAOAC officers will be held. All members are encouraged to attend, and any proposed amendments to the CAOAC Bylaws may be tabled for discussion. Your attendance and active participation at this AGM are highly valued.

Should you have any questions, concerns, or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to Cindy Barrett at

Item 8: Call for New CAOAC Club Representatives, Fish Rescue Contacts, Executive Contact Updates, New Club E-mail Addresses

Cindy Barrett, Corresponding Secretary, formally requested that all clubs submit updated emails and the names of new representatives and executives to Michael Beat, Webmaster, underscored the importance of appointing a dedicated CAOAC representative rather than having the president assume both roles. Larger clubs are entitled to a greater number of votes; however, according to CAOAC Bylaws, a single individual may not cast multiple votes. Therefore, it is essential for larger clubs to ensure that all eligible voters are present at meetings. The CAOAC representative is also another person who may attend meetings when other Executives cannot and ensure information is conveyed to the club members.

Additionally, CAOAC seeks updated email addresses for the designated contact persons who will assist with fish rescues in their respective clubs. These individuals will not be responsible for physically taking custody of the fish, but will play a crucial role in facilitating their rehoming, which is a cornerstone of CAOAC's mission. Ann Marie Towell, CAOAC’s 2nd Vice President and head of the Fish Rescue Programme, has been a key figure in these efforts, including recent rescues of goldfish in Toronto and an Arowana. Maintaining current contact information for the CAOAC Fish Rescue network is vital for the success of rehoming initiatives.

Dave Holland and Cindy Barrett have agreed to meet in person to update the entire CAOAC email list, including all clubs and contacts with the information submitted, in advance of the September AGM.  

Item 9: CAOAC’S Responsibility for Special Club Announcements

If your club is hosting an event/seminar, CAOAC would like to promote it on the website and Facebook page. Additionally, please send any election announcements, wedding announcements, birthdays, special accomplishments, or sympathy announcements related to your club to Cindy Barrett for posting at

*(NOTE: Correspondence for Michael Beat, the CAOAC BAP Awards Chair, may be directed to his email:

Item 10: Other Business

Frank Aguirre reminds all clubs that CAOAC will be at PetExpo again this year on Sept 14 and 15th with an exhibit set up to promote all clubs and they are welcome to submit promotional items. Volunteers from all clubs are needed for this exhibit.  CAOAC has been promoting aquarium clubs at PetExpo for many years and will continue to do so. Please contact Frank Aguirre at

A proposal was tabled by a DRAS member to create a nationwide CAOAC run dedicated BAND App selling forum for CAOAC club members with data about the various clubs.  This generated some interest, but also raised concerns. While the idea could enhance interconnectivity among clubs across Canada, challenges emerged regarding the duplication of CAOAC’s existing buy-and-sell forum and online resources, which could complicate management of both. Additionally, the requirement for each member club to appoint a representative for moderation and verification of paid membership status was questioned, given CAOAC's ongoing difficulty in recruiting volunteers for less demanding positions such as CAOAC representatives. An executive from HDAS noted their local BAND App forum has seen limited usage since its launch in 2020, and echoed concerns about finding more volunteers to donate time consistently as the moderation position would require. CAOAC President Frank Aguirre and the Executive team agreed to consider the proposal carefully and provide a formal decision at a later date.

Regarding the Convention in 2025, over the last year, the Société d’Aquariophilie de Montréal expressed serious intentions to host an Aquatic Convention in 2025. Montréal is expected to update CAOAC in the Fall. The HDAS President stated that if, for some reason, there is a change in plans, and Montréal is not able to organise a Convention for 2025, she would encourage her Executive to pursue a Convention, or a similar event in honour of the 75th anniversary of the Hamilton District Aquarium Society, provided other clubs would assist in some way. Following that thinking, Zenin Skomorowski (VP KWAS) suggests that Hamilton, Kitchener and Peel may jointly consider hosting the Convention in Burlington in 2025, if Convention plans in Montréal change for 2025.  

Beverly Campbell, President of the Aquarium Club of Edmonton, stated that her club would be unable to host a convention singularly due to their financial constraints; however, a joint convention with Calgary may be a possibility for next year. Ryan Schmidt, President of the Saskatoon Aquarium Society expressed interest in a potential convention, although he indicated that it would be further into the future than 2025, as the club is still in the process of recovering from the pandemic, and only now re-initiating shows. Ann Marie Towell, 2nd Vice President CAOAC, emphasised that the lack of qualified judges in Western Canada could pose a significant obstacle to hosting a Western Convention or shows, underscoring the need for more judges in these areas.

On the topic of Bylaws, the London Aquaria Society reports having just completed a total review and updating of their club Bylaws and Peel Regional Aquarium Club states it is in the process of carrying this project out. CAOAC would like to reiterate that we are prepared to advise in any capacity with the development of your Bylaws and issues facing your clubs.

Attendees: Frank Aguirre (President Caoac, PRAC); Ernest Biktimirov (First Vice President Caoac, SCAAS); ; Dave Holland (Recording Secretary, Caoac; PRAC, SCAAS);  Michael Beat (Webmaster, Caoac; PRAC); Cindy Barrett (Corresponding Secretary, Caoac; SCAAS);  Ann Marie Towell (2nd vice-president, Caoac; CAS); Albert van Montfort (Treasurer; DRAS); Carla MacDonald (President HDAS); Zenin Skomorowski (KWAS); Beverly Campbell (Edmonton); Ryan Schmidt (President, Saskatoon); Nancy Egelton (Past President CAOAC, TCGG President); Tim McCaskie (President, DRAS); Jeff Mountjoy (President, BRASS); Leanne Mountjoy (Treasurer, BRASS); Peter DeSouza (former CAOAC vice-president, HDAS); Paul Mcintosh (DRAS, member); Catherine Salmon (BBC CAOAC Rep); Jim Chalmers (President, SCAAS); Mike Majer (CAOAC Rep, HDAS); Sherry Archer (CAOAC Rep, LAS); Phil Barrett (CAOAC Rep, SCAAS); Derek Hebbes (CAOAC Rep, DRAS); (CAOAC Rep PRAC); Quorum Achieved.


Frank Aguirre adjourned the General meeting at 9h50pm.


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