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CAOAC Meeting Minutes - Jan 15, 2024

General CAOAC Meeting

Date: Monday,  January 15, 2024

Meeting Time: 7h30pm (EDT); Zoom

Topics: Financial Update; Incentive Draw for Membership (Wheel of Names); CAOAC Convention 2024 ideas; Ideas from Clubs on How to Help Clubs with Dwindling Membership; Other Business

Item 1: Financial Update 

The membership draw initiative was primarily successful with 17 of 19 clubs eligible for the draw.  Thank you to all clubs who completed all information and paid fees on time to participate. 

Looking at Revenues for the period from Nov 1/23 to Jan 3/24:


Membership Fees Received  $ 655

Insurance Fees Received     4, 125

T-shirt Revenue                          60

Show Sanctions                          40

Donations                                  180


Total Revenue                  $    5, 060


Pets Canada Fee               $ 271.20

Service Charge                          3.75


Total Expenses                       274.95

Bank Balance Jan 3/24  = $11,336.77

Notes: Total Insurance Cost (subject to increase) = $4,334.04 

At this point, CAOAC is subsidising approximately $14 of the insurance cost per club

Draw Cost = $150

Admin Cost = $61

WIX Domain Feb = $40

Estimated February Bank Balance = $6,309.13

The meeting participants had no questions about the Financial Update

Item 2: Membership & Draw Update

Nineteen clubs were contacted regarding membership, insurance, and the related draw, with all but two qualifying for participation. The 17 clubs included in the draw were as follows: Barrie, Hamilton, Chatham-Kent, St. Catharines, Sarnia, Kitchener-Waterloo, GTA, Montreal, Calgary, Durham Region, TCGG, Saskatoon, Ottawa, Peel Region, London, Windsor, and Betta Breeders Canada. The ASE has not yet responded, and the Regina Club will not be included in the Membership draw due to financial constraints preventing its participation this year.

At this point in the meeting, Dave Holland conducted the draw using the Wheel of Names program, which was broadcast to all participants via Share Screen on Zoom. The Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society was declared the winning club. The CAOAC Treasurer will be sending a cheque to the Executive of KWAS, and Cindy Barrett, Corresponding Secretary, will inform all clubs of the winner in writing.

Item 3: Caoac Convention 2024 Ideas & Alternatives

Frank Aguirre, CAOAC President, reiterated his request for clubs to consider hosting a simpler convention in 2024, even if it necessitated collaboration among clubs in close proximity to optimise volunteer resources. He aimed to alleviate concerns that organising a small weekend convention would be an insurmountable challenge requiring extensive training and significant financial investment. Frank emphasised that it is feasible to feature Canadian speakers at such an event, citing the esteemed Curator of Fishes at the Royal Ontario Museum, who delivered a presentation to the Peel Regional Aquarium Club in December 2023. This speaker exemplified the calibre of expertise that could enhance a convention experience.

If no clubs are able or willing to assist in hosting the convention, CAOAC may consider organising an event on the same weekend as PetExpo. This event could feature a guest speaker, a small auction lasting two to three hours, and a dinner, aimed at complementing the exhibition at PetExpo. It is important to note that this idea is currently being presented for feedback and discussion.

It was noted that the time and financial resources needed for a convention are directly related to its complexity and scale. A convention featuring multiple international speakers, for example, would necessitate significantly more planning than one with local or Canadian speakers. There was a consensus that a large convention, similar to those held prior to the pandemic, would not be feasible for 2024. Instead, the idea of organising a concurrent event during PetExpo garnered interest among the participants.

CAOAC aims to maintain its traditional presence at PetExpo to enhance exposure and promote member clubs, along with their educational initiatives, including fish rescue. It was emphasised that greater efforts could be made to highlight the educational aspects of the clubs and their activities when engaging with attendees at PetExpo, as this venue requires more interaction with visitors compared to a convention primarily attended by fishkeepers. The PetExpo audience consists of diverse interests, such as cat and reptile enthusiasts.

Additionally, it was noted that CAOAC was unable to hold an auction at PetExpo in 2023 due to its status as invited guests rather than paying vendors. The absence of an auction was a  loss for CAOAC, resulting in missed revenue opportunities. Hosting a current event that includes some form of auction would help address this gap. It was also suggested that local high school volunteers seeking credit could assist in running CAOAC auctions, providing an excellent opportunity to expose youth to fishkeeping and the experience of the aquarium societies.

Frank Aguirre, President of CAOAC, is scheduled to meet with the CEO of PetExpo shortly to discuss CAOAC's participation in the event. Subsequent to this meeting, plans for concurrent events may begin to be developed.

Item 4: Ideas from Clubs on How to Help Clubs with Dwindling Membership

The Regina Club has reported a decline to only six members and is facing significant financial challenges. CAOAC recognizes that the pandemic has adversely affected both membership and finances for several clubs. In response, CAOAC has solicited suggestions from the broader membership to rejuvenate clubs and to share successful strategies implemented at the individual club level.

Some of the tips provided included:

  • Build partnerships with local pet stores to promote your aquarium society. Pet stores may agree to offer discounts to members, and  sponsor the club or events.

  • Engage with schools to connect with youth, such as by setting up aquariums in classrooms.

  • Promote your club by setting up a table at local fish stores, perhaps with attendants available to distribute information.

  • Enhance your club's online presence to promote events and highlight the benefits of membership, designating a specific individual to address inquiries promptly.

  • Consider introducing a temporarily reduced new membership fee to encourage new members to try the club.

  • Initiate the idea of gift certificates for new members from sponsors

  • Advertise opportunities to win free gifts from sponsors, which can help justify a modest membership fee.

  • Start hybrid meetings with a Zoom membership.  This will appeal to people from afar and to those who cannot always be at the meetings in person

  • Send out reminders to all members early about membership renewals and facilitate payment of membership through online means

Item 5: Other Business

Albert van Montfort reminds all clubs that CAOAC will be present at PetExpo in September to promote all member clubs, primarily at an exhibit table, although specific details regarding the full extent of our involvement are still uncertain. Clubs are encouraged now to send T-shirts and promotional literature to CAOAC for display and distribution to PetExpo attendees.

CAOAC received inquiries at the meeting about who is currently responsible for the CAOAC Show Awards. The CAOAC Show Awards chair is currently vacant. CAOAC invites applications for this role, recognizing the importance of addressing pending show results and CAOAC is committed to continuing the recognition of show winners nationwide as an objective.

Clubs are reminded that if they wish to reinitiate shows, they need not be full-scale shows, as such an approach can be overwhelming and demanding in terms of work and volunteer efforts. Clubs might consider hosting more limited shows, similar to the one PRAC organised just prior to the pandemic, which featured only shrimp, killifish, and bettas. Other alternatives could include focusing on livebearers and egg layers to simplify the process. Additionally, a smaller scale approach may be beneficial for clubs restarting shows, especially since more floor space is typically required to accommodate them.

Attendees: Frank Aguirre (President Caoac, PRAC); Ernest Biktimirov (First Vice President Caoac, SCAAS); Albert van Montfort (CAOAC Treasurer; DRAS); Michael Beat, (Webmaster, PRAC; arrived during Item 3);  Dave Holland (Recording Secretary, Caoac; PRAC; arrived during Item 3); Cindy Barrett (Corresponding Secretary, Caoac); Phil Barrett (SCAAS CAOAC Rep); Zenin Skomorowski (KWAS vp); Carla MacDonald (HDAS, President); Jeff Mountjoy (President, BRAAS); Leanne Mountjoy (Treasurer, BRAAS); Ken Boorman (CAOAC Rep, CKAS); Catherine Salmon (BBC, CAOAC Rep); Sherry Archer (LAS, CAOAC Rep); Mike Majer (HDAS, CAOAC Rep); Trisha Fruck (SCAAS, President); Lise Durocher (S.A.M., Vice-Président); Dennis Bolanos (S.A.M.; Trésorier); Annie Girard (S.A.M.; CAOAC Rep); Ryan Schmidt (SAS; President); Kevin Acton (CAOAC Rep); Kristina Mikloska); Quorum Achieved

Apologies: Ann Marie Towell (2nd vice-president, Caoac; CAS); 


Frank Aguirre adjourned the General meeting at 9h50pm.


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