Topics: Financial Position; Insurance Renewal Issues; Assistance for Treasurer; Upcoming Convention in September; Announcement of General Meeting
CAOAC Executive Meeting
Date: Jan 11, 2023
Meeting Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: Zoom
Item 1: Financial Position & Insurance
Treasurer, Albert van Montfort presented the CAOAC bank balance and working balance.
Club insurance for CAOAC Member clubs is due Jan 21/23. The updated CAOAC Membership & Insurance Form is being finalized and distributed by Lisa Boorman & Albert van Montfort. A modest increase in insurance fees is anticipated approx 10% which would translate to $22 more per club (specifics TBA). Some specifics require clarification with the insurance carrier. Peter DeSouza will be assisting the Treasurer to resolve these uncertainties promptly.
Item 2: Assistance Requested by Treasurer
Treasurer, Albert van Montfort has requested some assistance generally in his role of Treasurer this year and the Executive has agreed to take immediate steps to ensure he has any and all assistance sought in his role.
CAOAC will restart its annual conventions in 2023 under the umbrella of, and alongside, the Aquatic Pet Expo in Mississauga at the International Centre Sept 16/17 of 2023.
CAOAC Executive voted and approved the creation of a Convention Committee to bring more skills and manpower to achieve a successful event. This Committee will have a chairperson. Ideally, the Committee will be compromised of participants with different abilities and from a broad cross section of CAOAC member clubs. A marketing effort to recruit committee members is to be initiated subsequent to this Executive meeting involving email, and Facebook advertising.
Nancy Egelton, President, will continue to be the liaison between CAOAC and the involved associate/s of the Aquatic Pet Expo.
Tanks will be purchased for the exhibition in varying sizes with the objective of uniformity in presentation in line with Pet Expo and to accommodate different sized fish.
Arrangements are being formulated for CAOAC members to purchase tickets, and secure accommodation ($135) near the venue at the International Centre in Mississauga. CAOAC Executive plans to create a portal within the CAOAC website to reserve accommodation as well as to purchase tickets, possibly discounted when this portal is used (specifics TBA)
There will be 5 potential CAOAC hosted speakers at this Convention to compliment the Pet Expo speakers (selection under discussion)
The inclusion and continuation of the Canadian Biotope Competition by Frank Aguirre was reaffirmed as an objective by the Executive
A subsequent Executive meeting has been set for Jan. 25/23 at 7h30pm to assess the Insurance situation and further Convention planning. All Executive will be reminded and invited again via email with the Zoom link.
Item 4: Logo for Promotional Materials
The President will be calling a General CAOAC Meeting in February (TBA)
Nancy Egelton concluded the meeting at approximately 9:15 PM. Attendees: Nancy Egelton (President), Peter DeSouza (First Vice President), Cindy Golden (Corresponding Secretary), Dave Holland (Recording Secretary), Ann Marie Towell (2nd Vice President), Albert van Montfort (Treasurer), Lisa Boorman, Phil Barratt (special guests).
Apologies: Carolina Bergles, Webmaster