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CAOAC Meeting Minutes - Feb 2020

Minutes by Cindy Golden

Attendance: Brian,Phil,Nancy,Peter,Albert, Rick,Cindy.Louis..(on call)


Call to Order..11:15am

Old Business:

all paperwork updated; meeting minutes posted to website

Ways and Means

January meeting was held at the home of Nancy Egelton. She provided a lovely lunch so no treats were needed to be provided. There was no raffle or 50/50.The balance remaining the same

Treasurer's Report:

Insurance for all the clubs are pd up to date and certificates will be sent out.

SAMS club did not hear back about insurance/membership..if to renew see Albert.

Albert has reworked the books.Our balance is not publicized but the austere measures have been appropriate. It has increased from last year.

Amendment for fees for smaller clubs will be made more affordable.

New Business:

May 21st convention: any proposals have to be submitted 60 days prior, to be written up as a document and to be voted on.

Webmaster Report: Emergency. Nancy reported that the website is up to date. If something is wrong, it goes to Carolina.The chat on the website is being worked on, as well as standardized forms for the clubs. The clubs can then insert own logo.


Ads, posters for events, as well as financial supporters such as Aqueon will be featured.


Everything up to date as they get closer to the dates will be featured. If anyone wants anything featured please email Cindy.

CAOAC rewards: Barb Draper will be doing show awards. CAOAC will now directly pay to the actual company for the awards being made up not to just anyone and the bill submitted to the committee.

Newsletter Awards:

Some discussion over it..not really doing it as it's the same 2 clubs. It was discussed leaving it to the clubs? Maybe rewarding all clubs producing a Tim Hortons card for $10? get rid of the printed version as more doing it online? This topic will be revisited and reviewed at the May meeting.


Brian Waugh of Ontario Reef keepers is coordinating the coral show at the Scotiabank Centre in the falls wants CAOAC to do something for May 2021..perhaps a booth with St.Catharines Aquarium Society. Tanks could be featured..such as nano tanks and information cards handed out.St.Catharines support would be good..they are close by and would assist in setting up the booth for 2021. We could get 1% profit at the gate. Phil would bring it forth to the executive at their next meeting. Club president Patrick ,Phil and Nancy attending show to gather more information.

Futures and Steering:

Report coming. We need to post job openings. Anyone in a current position that you want to stay in need to indicate that to Peter by Email. email will be sent out to all the clubs by the CAOAC 1 gmail and

will be looked at by Peter.

Judging Report:

currently being updated and new criteria put in place.

Executive Reports:

Peter..What Can We Do For the Clubs to Help Them..more feedback from the clubs would help.

Nancy..indicated that we get asked advice...advise...we are here to help..look as CAOAC as the mothership. from Calgary..on the webpage

Club Reports:

go on website ,send to Nancy and Carolina

SAM club can be done in french and it can be translated.


getting better and worked on everyday

SAM club :

Some members are bilingual..a report to be drawn up about their club events and sent to Carolina to be featured as well.Their posters..programs as well sent in to be featured on Facebook..Instagram account.


standardized programs for show..awards can be sent to individual programs can be on website or it can be sent to the individual clubs...available upon request.


All good..nothing to report

Nancy: Social Media..topic of bullying was discussed. It's not ok to calling...etc

A healthy debate though is ok.If bashing is discovered the post will be deleted by the admin.Most admins now though have it where posts will only be posted if its been approved.

Albert: Any clubs that have new executives need to let us it can go in the meeting minutes. Any changes to club executives let us know by email.

Dismissal: 1240pm


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