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CAOAC Meeting Minutes

September 29, 2019 (Minutes Format different than October/November)

Began at 11am until 1:15 pm

Attendance: Catherine, Peter, Carrie, Nancy, Phil, Dave, Zenin, Brian, Tom, Les Turnbull, Dave Cressell, Rick Hodges and myself (Cindy) Regrets: Murray (who is vacationing in Portugal) and Albert (personal)

Agenda: At first Nancy indicated that this was an informal meeting with more of a fancy one in October in Kitchener, where we will have internet.

Nancy has now considered CAOAC a traveling entity. We serve the Clubs. We no longer have the Waterdown site. We will no longer be reading club reports at meetings, as they can be found in newsletters.

Murray’s report indicated by Nancy that CAOAC now legal business with the government, as a nonprofit group. We will have GST number, gives us an advantage and protection and established a legal entity especially in regard to insurance.

Albert: giving a cheque to Murray in regard to an insurance quote. It will be going out to the clubs and Murray will get it out.

Treasurer Report (Albert): working with a balance of $6,563.64 before memberships and insurance.

Peter: No report

Carolina: As webmaster. CAOAC website will be on Wix. It’s not done yet but being revamped. Old information will be transferred onto new site. Repairs to some documents will be made, and the addition of other things that are missing. Hopefully to be up and running by November 1st. Forms (for auctions/shows, etc.) will also be edited so clubs won’t have to develop their own. They can just copy and paste. 

For sponsorships. Option of being anonymous or name listed on site.

Website itself: buying and selling will be available 

No bashing of members

Dave Holland Report: Been contacted by Thunder Bay. It's in question and is struggling with cash. They do not know if they can join CAOAC and may need to move locations. Nancy suggested to just meet at someone's house to help with that.

Dave also said to be careful about raffles, etc., may need a licence.

Rick Hodges Report: May 31st for next London auction. 

Cindy Report: Ways and Means Social Media report sent to an update..I have been linking the Instagram account to Wix so that everything can be found together. 

Corresponding secretary: a number of emails have been dealt with and rehomed a couple of fish already from the GTA area.

Tom Mason Report: CAOAC Convention - booked the hotel in Burlington, as well as the speakers. It was suggested by Nancy that Tom connect with Albert to find out actual costs from last year.

Layout of convention as changed. Speaker size has doubled, and more space for the show. The icebreaker session will be held on Friday night 

Show: no one in Durham does shows. They will need help from other clubs in running the show. 

Cost: $110.00 for early tickets, and $120 after April, 2020. Different prices will be set for just banquet and speakers which is TBD.

Sunday morning meeting will be held in a small room at the hotel restaurant.

Budget: Worst case scenario with no sponsors, and no money coming in will be $8,000.00 in the hole to cover expenses.


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