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fish rescue
You have options!
This special program was created to eliminate the illegal dumping of tropical fish, and amphibians into our Canadian Waterways and watersheds. The information below has been copied from a brochure that was published to explain this serious problem to concerned hobbyists. Partners in this program are The Toronto Zoo, Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Canadian Fisheries and Oceans, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, PIJAC (Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, CAOAC (Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs and all affiliated local Aquarium Clubs which belong to CAOAC.
Have unwanted fish?
What can you do?

Unwanted Fish?
contact your local fish stores
Some local stores will accept unwanted fish.
Advertise on kijiji
kijiji allows ads for animals looking to be rehomed.
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